Jan Kren
Jan Kren
Jan has trained dogs since 1976, (41 years). While her main area of focus is Obedience, she also competes in Field, Rally, Agility and Tracking.
Her dogs hold three (3) OTCH titles, six (6) Utility titles, Field titles - JH, SH and WCX, two (2) TD's and MX and MXJ titles in Agility, MACH (Master Agility Champion), TD (Tracking) and numerous other titles.
Jan has Golden Retrievers and Brussels Griffin’s, but has owned and trained Toy Manchester Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers as well.
She states " I am a retired teacher of children. I teach people to train their dogs, I teach and train my own dogs. I guess, I've found my calling!"