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CABTC Rally Class III – Master Signs

This class will focus on learning the Rally Master signs. Students will have good familiarity with all of the AKC Rally Novice, Advanced & Excellent Signs.  This class is NOT an Introduction to Rally class.   Students must have earned an RE (Rally Excellent) Title or be working on a RE title. This Class is designed to help students improve confidence in the ring using weekly run thrus with instructor’s critique on all level of signs.

Our instructor for this class is Joanne K.  Joanne has owned and shown Shetland Sheepdogs in Obedience since the 1970’s and in the Rally Ring since 2014. K.O., her oldest Sheltie, earned his Rally Championship Title (RACH) in 2019 and has seven legs towards his PUDX title in Obedience.  K.O. qualified in the Championship Class for the 2020 AKC Rally National Competition. He also has titles in AKC and C-WAGS Scent Work. Her younger dogs compete in Barn Hunt and AKC FastCAT.


Rally III completes the CABTC Rally classes by offering a class at the Master Level.


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Classes: Obedience Agility Confirmation Specialty
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