Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Learn to Weave – Fast!

Dogs just starting weaves or dogs already weaving that need more speed will learn fast weaves, entrances, exits, and handler distance.  The dogs must have a solid recall when very excited.  This class uses the channel weave method, which encourages muscle memory.  The best way to achieve muscle memory is through repetition so this class is offered 4 times a week.  Wear running shoes and bring your dog’s highest rewards!

5 dogs per session. A session comprises 3 weeks for 1 hour Monday thru Thursday. Cost is $105 (non-members) or $90 (members). You may attend 1 day per week or more, up to all 4 days. You are encouraged to come for all 12 classes (3 weeks x 4 days = 12).


Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Classes: Obedience Agility Confirmation Specialty
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