Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Get ready your going to enter a trail

Not currently offered, check back for possible Spring 2018 Scheduling.
This class is open to dogs ready/almost ready to enter their first trial or dogs who have just started trialing, but are struggling when in the ring. This class will focus on all aspects of trailing including strategies for navigating the show site, waiting to enter the ring, running the course, exiting the ring and celebrating with your dog. The course will help you and your dog wean off toys/treats, work with people, dogs and other distractions in or near the ring, and how to maintain a connection and focus under pressure. The students will be encouraged to enter CABTC’s game or an upcoming CABTC Agility Trial.



Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Classes: Obedience Agility Confirmation Specialty
Click here to learn more