Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Puppy Performance 2020

This class is for puppies under 1 year old.   The class will cover all foundation work needed for agility.  This class should be considered a supplemental class because it does not meet on a weekly basis and you will need to work on homework.   The class will cover all foundation work including two on two off and Susan Salo jump grids with bumps.

  • This class is progressive and once started will not be able to accept new puppies. 
  • The class will work through contacts to full height along with weave pole training when the pups are old enough.
  • Class will meet on Sunday morning 9:30 am – 10:30 am.
    • See schedule for dates!

Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Classes: Obedience Agility Confirmation Specialty
Click here to learn more