Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!


Class will continue working on attention, to include entering the ring with attention, plus heeling skills, turns, pace changes along with fronts and finishes. Additional exercises to be taught will be the stand and sit for exam, recalls, and holding a dumbbell. Some of the fun exercises you will learn will be how to motivate your dog and make obedience fun.
All helping you and your dog to become a better team.
Session Details:
Cost: $105.00
Length: 7 – 1 hour sessions
Size: up to 10
Pre-Novice/Novice:  Suzanne L, Kay W 
Monday 6/14/2021 @ 6:30 PM with Obedience Staff Instructor at Cleveland All-Breed Training Club ( 10 spots remaining )


Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Classes: Obedience Agility Confirmation Specialty
Click here to learn more