Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Pattern Games for a Distracting World

PRE-REQS – Age 6 months or older and clicker fluent.  You and your dog will need to have solid (but not perfect) clicker skills so these games are easier and more fun for both of you.

LOCATION:  SUITE A  — Ring 2 (Door 5) 

DESCRIPTION:  Does your dog forget his/her great training in a new environment… or even a known environment that now has new dogs, people, smells?  Pattern Games can help both of you!  The world can be a very distracting place and we want our dogs to be comfortable both inside and outside.  Discomfort can take the form of shyness, barking/lunging/stay away behaviors, sniffing or staring.  Pattern games can help our dogs (and us) gain comfort.  We will be using Pattern Games from Leslie McDevitt, Hannah Branigan and Emma Parsons.  We will be working both inside our building and hopefully outside in our neighborhood.  These games only work if you do your homework 🙂 .  So be prepared to spend some time outside class on them.

EQUIPMENT:  Clicker, lots of treats, your sense of humor

SPECIAL NOTES: If you have any questions about the class, please email Suzy:

No spot is vaialable for this class.


Schedule Your Dog for Obedience Classes Today!

Classes: Obedience Agility Confirmation Specialty
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